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Get Transactions


Description : This API will return the transaction list of a bank for all the national Numbers with date time range bound of fromDate and toDate as Input query parameter. The EXP api will call the PRC layer and the process layer will request the SYS layer, SYS layer will call the backend SSC server to get the list of transactions with date bound range.

Channels can consume Mulesoft’s REST API exposed as an experience API.

Mulesoft Request:

Mandatory Headers: client_id, x-channel-id, x-correlation-id, x-bank-id, Authorization

Optional Headers: x-user-id, x-sub-channel-id, x-debug-flag, x-customer-id ,client_secret

URI Parameter

fromDateDateTimeYesMin 10 Max 30Ex: 2022-02-10T22:00:00ZDate from which tranasctions need to be fetched Must be in ISO_8601 format. Default value : 2021-11-30T22:00:00Z - UTC)
toDateDateTimeYesMin 10 Max 30Ex: 2022-02-10T22:00:00ZDate till tranasctions need to be fetched Must be in ISO_8601 format. Default value : current date time in UTC format

Mulesoft Response:

Success Response: (200)

Response Body: application/json

Sample Response

  "status": {
    "success": true,
    "code": "200",
    "arabicMessage": "تمت العملية بنجاح",
    "englishMessage": "The Operation has been Successfully Completed"
  "response": {
    "transactions": [
        "nationalNumber": 9581700003,
        "payNo": 9581003475,
        "serviceType": 4,
        "paymentType": 1,
        "dueAmount1": 100,
        "banktransactionId": "BNCFT21025ACED2QYBM",
        "banktransactionDate": "05/01/2022",
        "tokenId": "sdg7743345sdf"
        "nationalNumber": 9731015544,
        "payNo": 9731002881,
        "serviceType": 4,
        "paymentType": 1,
        "dueAmount1": 50,
        "banktransactionId": "BNCFT21025XXACC8DVZ",
        "banktransactionDate": "02/12/2021",
        "tokenId": "djfhsd7f7sd"

Sample Error Response:

Error codes :


content-type: JSON

    "status": {
        "success": false,
        "code": "400",
        "reasonCode": "BadRequest",
        "arabicMessage": "",
        "englishMessage": "No records were found that matched the selection criteria",
        "errorCode": "",
        "backendErrorMessage": ""
Below fields should be given back to Channel if x-debug flag = 1

                "errorCode": "",
        "backendErrorMessage": "",
